PETROVIETNAM (PVN) has many subsidiary companies controlling oil and gas terminals daily receiving oil tankers, gas carriers for cargo operation Opertional risks are always implicit in the interface between terminals and vessels. PVN and its subsidiary companies are required by nature of business to employ oil tankers, chemical tankers, gas carriers from PVN or other ship owners both local and international.
2. Objectives
To observe Vietnam Laws, International Codes, Constitution of OCIMF (Oil Companies International Marine Forum) where PVN is a member, to operate effectively and safely its terminals, PVN sets up the safety standards for vessels carrying PVN cargoes. The standards are based on the OCIMF documents, such as SIRE (Ship Inspection Report Program), ISGOTT (International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals); on the related rules, regulations; considering the present condition of Vietnam oil tanker fleet. These standards are daily updated and improved to meet the current situation.
3. Policy
PVN pioneers in applying ship vetting.
PVN assigned PetroVietnam Maintenance and Repair Corporation (PVMR) – a subsidiary company – to carry out ship vetting on PVN behalf in order to improve the effectiveness and safety for PVN terminals. Ship vetting also enables ship owners to operate their vessels more safely.
Those vessels intended to come to PVN terminals for cargo operation must undergo vetting to get PVN approval. Ship vetting carried out by PVMR in conformity with PVN safety standards.
PVMR applies OCIMF VIQ (Vessel Inspection Questionaires) for vetting vessels 5,000 DWT and above and BIQ (Barge Inspection Questionaires) for vetting vessels and barges under 5,000 DWT trading coastally or inland water.
4. Application
PVN ship vetting policy is applied for all those vessels under Vietnamese and foreign flags coming to PVN terminals, which are owned/operated by PVN group companies or chartered by PVN cutomers.
5. Vetting Assessment Information
The following information are taken under consideration for assessment of vessel condition:
Information taken from VPQ (Vessel Particular Questionnnaires)
Information collected from various sources as data of Class survey, PSC, other terminals, etc.
Reports from SIRE database (if available)
Vetting reports performed by PVMR
PVN will decide:
“Approved”: The vessel is accepted to come to PVN terminals for cargo operation for a fixed period of time.
“Not Approved”: The vessel is not accepted to come to PVN terminals. A “Not Approved” vessel can be re-vetted only after two (02) months from the day the vessel is rejected by PVN.
In case of emergency, a PVN terminal can consider to accept a vessel to come in for cargo operation without vetting result. In such case, the terminal will request PVMR to perform vetting of the vessel on arrival before berthing and report immediately the result to the terminal for final decision whether to berth or not the vessel. At the same time, the terminal will keep the vessel under special control during the cargo operation until the vessel unberths.
6. Validity of Approval
During the period of 2010 – 2012, the validity of approval for a vessel after vetting by PVN as “Approved” will be:
– Vessel age is less than 10 years: Validity period not more than nine (09) months.
– Vessel age is from 10 to 35 years: Validity period not more than nine (06) months.
This validity is automatically ceased in the following cases:
Change of Owners. Anyhow, if the vessel is still under same Managers, she can be considered to be in the “Approved” state by PVN.
Change of Class, P&I Club, Operators, Managers, important technology system of the vessel which may affect to the safe condition of the vessel.
Vessel involved in an incident or a legal case regarding ownership of the vessel; detention by a State; reports of serious Non-conformities regarding safety by terminals
7. Shared Information
To reduce expense and time spent for vetting for Ship Owners/Managers, PVN is willing to use the vetting data made by recognized international organizations and Oil Majors, including OCIMF, CDI, SHELL, BP, PETRONAS, EXXON-MOBIL, CHEVRON, TOTAL.. provided that the data show the approval by the inspection parties and the validity of the data is not less than three (03) months.
8. Operational Requirements
Tàu muốn tham gia khai thác hàng tại các kho cảng thuộc PVN phải đáp ứng các tiêu chuẩn sau:
8.1 Closed Cargo Operation:
The vessel under vetting carrying volatile, toxic or noxious cargo must operate at all times in the “Closed Cargo Operations” mode, as defined by the current edition of ISGOTT. The small vessel which cannot operate this mode must be accepted by the terminal safety operator.
8.2 Vapour Recovery.
Where vapour control requirements are in force, only vessel suitably equipped can be accepted.
8.3 Inert Gas
All the vessel by statutory requirement to be fitted with inert gas system must ensure that the system is fully operational. Crude oil tankers and tankers carrying volatile product cargo must be fitted with IGS. Requirements for Gas carries and chemical tankers are defined in IMO Code (BCH, IBC, ICG or GC).
8.4 LPG Carrier
Ship Managers must have annual plan of void spaces and cargo tanks inspection. The inspection must be performed by competent surveyors. Checking of safety equipment and gas detection system (GDS) must be carried out simultaneously with checking vessel structural condition. Ship Managers must have procedures regarding annual maintenance of dry chemical foam fixed fire extinguishing system to be carried out by certified shore services.
8.5 Vessel Age.
Vessel age has much impact on her physical condition.
From 1/1/2013 PVN will not accept:
Vessel under Vietnamese flag over 35 years from date of keel laid.
Vessel under other flag over 30 years from date of keel laid.
Depending on the vessel age and Class regulation, the vessel must have Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS) issued by Class Society not more than 3 years from date of Class survey.
Combination Carriers less than 15 years of age can only be considered after at least one voyage carrying wet nominated cargo.
No combination carrier older than 15 years and over 20,000 DWT is accepted.
New-built vessel or vessel just left dry-dock after maintenance, repair… can be vetted after completion of the first laden voyage.
8.6 Manning and Certification
All officers must hold valid Certificate of Competency, Special Training Certificate for Handling dangerous cargoes according to STCW.
There must be 4 senior officers according to STCW .
All crew members must have adequate certificates in accordance with the size of vessel and the cargo carried as required in STCW.
Training Program for oil spill on board must be observed and Training Handbook must be available on board.
8.7 Officers Matrix
Officers are required:
For Master and Chief Officer: at least 5 years seagoing service on tankers.
For Chief Engineer and Second Engineer: at leat 5 years sailing on oil tankers.
For Master and Chief Officer: at least 3 years being senior officers on oil tankers.
For Master and Chief Officer of LPG/LNG carrriers: at least 2 years being senior officers on similar type of carrier.
8.8 Observation of International Codes, Vietnam Laws, local and PVN terminal regulations.
Ship owners must observe the International Codes, Vietnam Laws, local and PVN terminal regulations.
8.9 P&I
Vessel must be under P&I insurance with an international P&I Club (with oil pollusion liability at USD1.0 billion).
For domestic vessels the P&I liability is in accordance with the rule set up by Vietnam Ministry of Finance
8.10 Drug and Alcohol Policy
Ship Owners/Managers must apply Alcohol and Drug Policy in accordance with OCIMF “Guideline for the control of Drug and Alcohol”.
9. Re-vetitng
“Un-approved” by PVN vessel will be available for re-vetting two (02) months after the date of rejection by PVN.
10. Guidelines for Ship Owners
Step 1:
The Applicant will send Vetting Application to email or fax: 08 3911 8567 with attention to “Technical Safety Department” in the provided format.
Step 2:
PVMR confirms receipt of application and give detail instruction to the Applicant.
Step 3:
The Applicant follows PVMR instruction and confirms payment of Vetting fee. Note: No other concurrent inspection to be carried out at the nominated time of vetting.
Step 4:
PVRM carries out vetting. Master of vessel nominates crew member to coordinate with PVMR inspector and prepares replies to observations noted by inspectors during vetting.
Step 5:
The Applicant provides explanation and plan of rectification to the observations either directly on the website: or by email to or by fax to (848) 3911 8567 within 14 days from date of physical vetting.
Step 6:
Upon completion of the 14 day period, based on the vetting reports by PVMR and the safety standards of PVN terminal, PVN shall decide whether to approve or not approve the vessel to come to PVN terminal for cargo operation.